Nourishment for Expecting Females and Infants in Gynecology

Nourishment for Expecting Females and Infants in Gynecology
The occasion that brings Dr. Judi Januadi Endjun, SpOG (K) is presented on the value of nutrition during maternity. Some of the nutritional value needed by pregnant women such as supplement b folic acid (vitamin B9), calcium mineral, metal, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), supplement D, and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). While the needed nutritional value to the child in the uterus among DHA, gangliosida (GA), supplement b folic acid, metal, FE, EFA, and choline.

Benefits for Mom
In the uterus, at the age of 17 days pregnancy child minds have started to form and advance. This is where the value of the part of supplement b folic acid in the initial pipe growth of mind and backbone marrow. Moreover to supplement b folic acid, there are many nutritional value needed during child mind growth. Nourishment is important during maternity because the child's mind growth is speeding up at the time the third trimester until the age of 30 months.

For pregnant women, calcium mineral is needed to meet the improved need due to the growth of bones and teeth child. Of metal which can considerably prevent anemia during maternity. However, in the first trimester, metal may activate feeling sick in pregnant women. According to Dr. Judi, feeling sick in pregnant women should not be removed, because the procedure of feeling sick is the way babies 'talk' to her mom. The need for metal improves during maternity, especially in the third trimester because of the development of expectant moms cells and the growth of red blood, as well as metal stores in the child.

Tablets or products containing supplement B6 doctors usually given to pregnant women to help decrease feeling sick during maternity. Vitamin D allows the intake of calcium mineral which assists in keeping bone strength and density of ladies. While supplement B12 allows child mind growth and sensors. Supply of supplement b folic acid in maternity when combined with supplement B12 is intended to prevent megaloblastic anemia.

Nourishment for Expecting Females and Infants in Gynecology

Benefits for the Fetus
Dr. Tria Rosemiarti of Anmum Team also described the value of nutrition for both mom and child. Ω 3 and DHA to the child is needed in amounts sufficient for the growth of the neurological system. Other research revealed that gangliosida part in mind structure, migration of minds, the growth of synapses, and myelinisasi. Moreover gangliosida affect thinking processes, especially learning and memory functions. Choline to the child through the placenta delivered moms. Some research indicate choline intake during maternity impacts mind growth, especially given operate.

What did they say?
Donna pair Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya looking forward to the birth of their second child joined this occasion. D said that she was thankful that in meeting her and the child of nutritional value not found a lot of trouble because he is not a fussy eater. He stated that he could consume vegetables, products (tablets), and dairy. But when asked to choose, dairy for pregnant women to be his choice for a complete nutrition for moms and babies.

Source: Females and Infants in Gynecology

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