Benefits of Honey For Acne

Benefits of Honey For Acne
Honey as a medicine is not always sweet to drink, but honey is also very good for skin health. As I wrote in my previous article on the benefits of honey for skin that you can also read. Honey has a compound that can fight bacteria, reduce inflammation and can moisturize the skin. So the natural fluid produced by bees is one of the most recommended natural therapies for acne.

Benefits of Honey For Acne
Thus, the benefits of honey for acne is very good for treating acne. Bacteria growing on the acne will make acne worse, with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey are owned by the bacteria will be killed and make the skin re-light. Compared with other acne medications, honey is a natural acne treatment that has the fewest side effects. Honey is one of many natural acne treatments that you can use together with conventional medicine to clear skin. Although probably not very effective against this type of acne that is severe, the benefits of honey for health worth checking out.

Apply pure honey to the skin surface. Let stand for about 15 minutes until dry. After that wash your face with warm water.

Benefits of Honey For Acne
Benefits of Honey For Acne

Honey Benefits for Former Acne
In addition to killing bacteria, honey can also effectively prevent acne scars and make the existing lighter. This is mainly due to antioxidants present in the honey. These antioxidants clean up free radicals in acne scars and acne that make them appear red and inflamed. Honey also contains compounds that help get rid of dead skin cells and encourages new growth, healthy tissue. It helps heal skin damaged by acne and makes it look bright and perfect.

That's the benefits of honey for acne or benefits of honey for acne and acne scars, there are many other benefits that are owned by the honey. I will discuss later in this article.

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