10 Fastest Computer in the World

10 Fastest Computer in the World
Mare Nostrum Supercomputer. This is one of the main symbols of superiority of the nations most advanced in the world. The machines of the future. The most powerful machines in the world capable of performing the most complex calculations, in just a blink of an eye.

From monitoring the preparedness and resilience of American nuclear weapons, predict the weather and earthquakes with high precision, mapping the human genome is highly complex, and of course accelerate acceleration potential development of new technologies.

How fast is the speed of these machines? The fastest supercomputer in the world are now in the giant Los Alamos Laboratory New Mexico, United States, made by IBM company, and named "Roadrunner". Its speed has penetrated one petaflop on May 25, 2008.

1 petaflops, not 1 million calculations per second, not 1 billion calculations per second, and, instead of 1 trillion calculations per second. 1 petaflop, is a quadrillion calculations per second, or 1,000 trillion calculations, per second. Roadrunner is targeted to reach the peak speed of 1.7 petaflops.

10 Fastest Computer in the World
10 Fastest Computer in the World
  • 1 teraflop = one trillion calculations per second
  • 1 petaflops = 1,000 trillion operations per second
This Roadrunner computer 60,000 times faster than today's fastest personal computer. It costs about U.S. $ 133 Million. One interesting fact, this supercomputer has a cell structure was almost identical to children toys computers, the PlayStation 3. Roadrunner uses Cell Broadband Engine ™ processor, or Cell BE created by IBM, Sony, and Toshiba are also used for the Playstation, though of course with a "little" new modifications.

This is a list of the fastest computers in the world. At a minimum that can be known by the public. Many people believe, there are computers owned by the American government secrets whose existence was not generally known, and even the speed is much faster than Roadrunner ..

10 World's Fastest Computer:

1. Roadrunner
QS22/LS21 BladeCenter Cluster, PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz / Opteron DC 1.8 GHz, Voltaire Infiniband. Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.

Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Amerika.

3. Pleiades
SGI Altix ICE 8200EX, Xeon QC 3.0/2.8 GHz. NASA / Ames Research Center, USA.

4. BlueGene / L
eServer Blue Gene Solution. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Amerika.

5. Intrepid
Blue Gene / P Solution. Argonne National Laboratory, USA.

SunBlade x6420, Opteron QC 2.3 GHz, Infiniband. Texas Advanced Computing Center, USA.

2.3 GHz quad-core Cray XT4. NERSC / LBNL, USA.

2.1 GHz quad-core Cray XT4. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.

Sandia / Cray Red Storm, XT3 / 4, 2.4/2.2 GHz dual / quad core processors. NNSA / Sandia National Laboratories, USA.

10. Dawning 5000A
Dawning 5000A, Opteron QC 1.9 GHz, Infiniband, Windows HPC 2008. Shanghai Supercomputer Center, China.

9 of the 10 fastest computers in the world is American owned. The 10th fastest computer in the world, Dawning 5000, is China's super computer. This computer is located in the Shanghai Supercomputer Center (SSC), developed by more than 500 Chinese scientists, and it costs only 1 / 4 Roadrunner, which is about U.S. $ 30 million.

10 Fastest Computer in the World

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