Health or Medical Equipment and Functions

Health or Medical Equipment and Functions
Health tools or also called medical devices mrupakan equipment used in the medical field. Each of these medical devices have different functions. Starting from the inspection, maintenance, until the treatment.

There are many tools and functions for health ksehatan. Here are some explanations about medical devices and their functions in order to increase our insights about the field of medicine.

Here is the latest in 2012 is some kind of medical equipment that is often used as well as function.

Medical Equipment
Stethoscope: is one tool that has become a symbol of the medical profession. Mandatory for a doctor to have this medical device. This is a function of the stethoscope to listen to your heart rate, bowel sounds, and so forth. With this ability, Stethoscope can be used also to find out the lungs work and also to measure blood pressure by listening to the pulse.

Health or Medical Equipment and Functions

Endoscopy: is a medical device that has a function to find abnormalities that occur in tools upper digestive and throat.

Colonoscopy: is a medical device whose function is to determine the condition of the lower digestive tract. The section starts from the rectum, anus up to the intestine at the bottom.

Tensimeter: Medical devices are used to measure blood pressure or blood pressure. Used for examination of patients with hypertension, anemia, and so forth. There are two types namely tensimeter tensimeter tensimeter mercury and digital. Mercury tensimeter abroad are now forbidden to be used again because of the dangers of mercury if tensimeter broke. Digital tensimeter own more sophisticated and practical use, but its price is more expensive than conventional ones.

Thermometer: A thermometer is a medical instrument used to measure body temperature. There are two types of thermometers are mercury and digital thermometers. The difference lies in pengukurnya tool. For a digital thermometer, if the body temperature was in the can so the device will issue its own sound while its own detection of mercury thermometers take a long time, making it less efficient to use. This is one tool that must be owned and stored on your P3K box.

CT scan: CT stands for Computed Temography while Scan is a photograph. So that the function of this tool no other is to produce images of parts of the body with more complete and accurate. This is because the images produced from CT-Scan is a photograph (image) of the body in the form of slices.

X-Ray: People are more familiar with these medical devices as X-rays. This tool is used to find out the inside of the lungs in particular. X-ray work function with the use of the radiation beam.

Laparoscopy: This medical device is a tool that serves for cleaning blood. In addition, laparoscopy is also used to perform insemination.

Blood Check tool: The tool checks the blood usually has three functions in one tool. In addition to checking blood sugar levels, can also be used to check for uric acid and cholesterol in the blood. Used in the examination of cholesterol disease, gout, diabetes, and so forth.

Ultrasonography (USG): Ultrasound is often used to see the development of the fetus in pregnant woman's body, to check the presence of other diseases in the body such as cancer, myoma, and so forth.

Electrocardiography (ECG): electrocardiography is a medical device whose function is to record the electrical activity or electrical occurring within the heart. The result can be seen on the electrocardiogram. Usually used in diseases associated with the function of the heart.

Special thanks for the smile
Health or Medical Equipment and Functions
Description: health tools that are often used in medicine as well as its function

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