Newest collection of Funny Facebook Status

Newest collection of Funny Facebook Status
Funny Facebook status - social networking like facebook is still the number one on this planet sengihnampakgigi. Especially with the addition of new features that facebook timeline, making it the better in the eyes of the facebookers. New facebook is getting made at home, at home to chat, to update the status or at home to promotion for online businesses.

For facebookers in part, a status that few lebay was even cool for them. But there are also tables of the most hate that name lebay status, status with alay writing style lol. So that is not so happy with the status of this melow, alternatively it makes funny facebook status. Rather than create a status not at all, his name is also facebookers abstinence before bed for gelakguling status.

Well, for you are fond of but do not like lebay LIKE. Maybe funny facebook status following can help you become peeraih Facebook LIKE most 2012celebrate. I took from various sources and status-the status of friends who happen to think I was funny, but maybe you think lebay, please just peace.

Here it is a collection of funny facebook status please let me copy and paste or edit the more funny.

Quote pretty girl write on facebook status "good morning" certainly a lot of comment from the romantic status until the ngelawak. But if a bad guy, despite being really bad writing status. Bombastic, pros cons, horrible, urgent!, Danger! like "I'm terrorists and i will blow your country" ga no one cares ... shame

Why pake dressed pretty girls and dress up to attract guys? Whereas boys prefer girls who do not pake nothing.

Cave confused KOG new epidemic is still in pake firecrackers? Instead the government already provides a 3-kg gas cylinders?

Dear Customer. Active period of your life will soon be exhausted, the balance of your sins have been over the limit. Immediately refill your faith in the nearest house of worship before your life on the block.
  • The girls out there, if there cowo is approaching you, help them! Cowo was not as strong as you might imagine, they do not always have to start first, there is a little mark.
  • Do not you ever let my fingers, not because I care and love you but I'm just afraid of heights.
  • The real cause of toothache and pregnant is the same. Late revoked .. =))
  • Dozens of students clashed on the field a high school. They expressed mutual love: p
  • The future depends on the dream, so let's sleep on:))
  • if love is blind why the same can still be bedain BMW bike.
  • Damn .. I forgot the account password Facebooku "(klw forget how can update the status of it? gelakguling)
Funny facebook status in the above is a selection from several sources that I take from a few blogs on google. If I usually make funny facebook status results from the thinker himself, his own experience. Normally if the status of his funny old stale alias instead look really crisp, let alone comment, like aja hard failure by gelakguling.

Okay Bred ... may help, if still not funny facebook status please her sought again, a lot really are selling at a terminal. Funny Facebook Status

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