How To Brighten Facial Skin with Tomatoes

How To Brighten Facial Skin with Tomatoes
Want to have a face bright with easy maintenance and cheap? Living is easy ... you just go to the kitchen. weird is not it? why you should go to the kitchen to brighten the face, why not go to a clinic or to a self-service beauty alone? Want to know the answer?

The answer is simple, in your home kitchen definitely saved the natural wealth that can be used to treat facial and body beauty, including skin lightens. Is it? You would be familiar with the tomato is not it? Adorable rosy fruit that when ripe, smell and taste distinctive, slightly sour but delicious eaten raw or as herbs and salad. Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) is a plant that originated from Central America and South America. Grow a potato is a close family, a short life cycle. Between 1-3 meters tall, with leaves and stems of the leaves that have fine hairs and yellow flowers. Well here's a tomato can make your skin becomes bright. I'm getting at here is the easy way denagn tomatoes brighten skin, it is ok tips you can try at home. In addition to easy and cheap you are also satisfied with the results from diligent and patient you are doing this treatment you will undoubtedly face a natural glow as bright lights ": D

According to the USDA in 100 grams of tomatoes, it is the largest content of vitamin A and vitamin C 17% 21%, the rest is fiber, protein, calories, sugar, calcium and iron. The content of vitamin C which is apparently more beneficial for the body. In addition to keeping the body's immune system, vitamin C may also act as a skin lightening agent. Want to know what are the benefits of tomatoes? Let us refer to below, and here's tips on how to easily brighten facial skin with tomatoes

How To Brighten Facial Skin with Tomatoes
How To Brighten Facial Skin with Tomatoes

Shrink pores
Tomato was not able to shrink the pores instantly, but tomatoes can clean pores that carry dirt and replace it with beneficial nutrients. When the pores are not bringing impurities, pore size will shrink automatically. The face also looks smooth and soft.

A. Combine crushed tomatoes with 1 tablespoon of lime juice, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and then gently massage the face. Be careful, because if DiMassage too hard, sugar can injure the skin.

2. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and finish off with cold water.
Helps cure acne

Acid contained by tomato able to accelerate the healing of acne. Vitamin A and C will also treat acne scars, moisturize skin, and also brighten the skin.


A. Maskerkan tomatoes that have been smoothed, averaged across all parts of the face and let sit for 1 hour.

2. Rinse with warm water and finish off with cold water.
By doing this step at least 2 times a week, the acne will heal faster.

In order to shine a brighter skin

Using a cream / lotion whitening, you will not get skin glowing naturally bright. And at a certain time, your skin will look dull again. However, tomatoes will make your skin look naturally shine brightly every day. Enough to eat and wear it as a mask.

How girl? How To Brighten Facial Skin, if you would like to try? if you can be pretty easy and inexpensive ways to do now come soon: D
Information: Daftar Makanan Berbahaya karena Beracun

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