Breastfeeding : Baby Health Investment

Breastfeeding : Baby Health Investment
The experts have agreed that breast milk (ASI) is the only food most appropriate for infants, especially in the first 4-6 months of life. All the baby needs the nutrients found in breast milk. Tega ya, do not breastfeed? Like savings, milk becomes a very valuable investment for the future baby's life. Not only for physical growth, but also brain development. Nutritional value of breast milk can not be defeated even by a formula that has been enriched with various nutrients.

Naturally, the composition of breast milk is produced in such a way as to meet the needs of the baby. Just like cow's milk produced by cows to meet the needs of the calf.

Inside there are three components of breast milk. The first is water, as much as 87 percent. Next is the milk, and her own mother who breast-feeding. The high water content made exclusively breastfed babies do not require additional water again.

Breastfeeding : Baby Health Investment
Breastfeeding : Baby Health Investment

Although the composition of breast milk is the largest water content of other nutrients did not lose much. According to Dr. Noroyono Wibowo, Sp.OG, Exclusive breastfeeding in the seminar, the Biggest Investment in Life Babies, in breast milk there are many nutrients needed by the growth and development of infants. The high milk sugar (lactose) in milk, is very important for infant brain development.

Complete Nutrition
Breast milk contains proteins with a high ratio between the whey (milk protein types) of casein. Casein in milk is only about 35 percent, whereas in cow's milk reached 80 percent. That way, he said. IGA Pratiwi, SP.A, MARS, child specialist from RS Bunda Jakarta, milk protein is more easily digested than cow's milk protein.

Colostrum is a yellowish color and more viscous, rich in vitamins A and antibodies, which makes the baby more robust against invasive disease. Colostrum also contains white blood cells, laxatives or laxatives, and growth factors. The presence of colostrum make babies protected from infection allergies, improve bowel, and prevent the occurrence of eye disease. And sure enough, the colostrum is only present in breast milk.

Colostrum is the first time out after delivery. A few days later, then followed the release of mature milk (mature milk). In the "mature milk", the composition changed. Mature milk contains lactose higher than breast milk. In contrast, the protein in cow milk is higher than mature milk.

In breast milk there are also many vitamins, such as vitamins A and C. Levels of vitamin C higher than that of vitamin A. In cow's milk, vitamin C and A is much less than that found in breast milk. Iron in breast milk are also more easily absorbed. About 50 percent of breast milk iron will be absorbed, but in cow's milk, only 10 percent of which will be absorbed by the body.

Fat contained in milk is not only DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and AA (arachidonic acid), but also the enzyme lipase. This enzyme is useful for solving mengatalisasi fatty acids. Breastfeeding : Baby Health Investment

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