Contribution of Air Pollution on Health

Contribution of Air Pollution on Health
Exposure of the body by air pollution is now a part that can not be separated from life on the highway the big cities. Traffic in Indonesia in this case a motor vehicle, having a very large share in contributing to air pollution. Contribution of motor vehicle exhaust gas as a source of air pollution reached 60-70%. Recorded more than 70 thousand million motor vehicles in Indonesia in 2009 (Source: Central Bureau of Statistics), certainly by the end of 2011 it grew rapidly.

Not only because the number of vehicles increased rapidly, but also banyakmya motor vehicles that are not maintained aka dilapidated, in addition to fuel quality that still contain lead (Pb), resulting in emissions that can harm our health.

Air pollution is the air that contain chemicals in concentrations high enough to cause negative effects disturbances in humans, animals, plants and property. Adverse impact to human health, not only by direct inhalation, but also in ways other exposure such as: drinking contaminated water and through the skin. Acute exposure can cause pneumonia less permeable so that the response of the lung, reduced lung function and inhibit airway.

Contribution of Air Pollution on Health
Contribution of Air Pollution on Health

There is a strong correlation between air pollution with chronic bronchitis (chronic). Special air pollution from motor vehicles with fuel that is not environmentally friendly, mainly because it still contains a number of Pb, it is feared will reduce the quality of human resources, because it will lower the level of intelligence of children. Unfortunately, lead is not only absorbed through the respiratory tract. Now many plants that contain residues of Pb, due to air pollution by these chemicals. In addition, Carbon monoxide (CO) is the most contaminants and motor vehicles are the main source.

Diseases can be caused by air pollution, among others, Cronic Bronchitis, Emphysema Pulmonum, bronchopneumonia, Asthma bronchiale, Cor pulmonale kronikum, lung cancer. Heart disease, also found two times greater morbidity in areas with high air pollution. Carbon-monoxide was found to cause harm to the heart, especially if there are signs of previous ischemic heart disease. The affinity of CO to hemoglobin is 210 times greater than O2 so if CO Hb levels equal to or greater than 50%, will be the heart muscle necrosis.

Levels lower than it had been able to interfere with cardiac physiology. Next is a cancer of the stomach, was found two times more in areas with high pollution. Other disorders such as irritation of the eyes, skin and so many well connected by air pollution. Children's growth disorders and hematologic abnormalities ever published.

Therefore do not let air pollutants accumulate and enter into our bodies. Necessary precautions should have been implemented at the earliest possible level. The use of masks could reduce the exposure polutaan air to enter the body through the mouth and nose. When driving either distant or near the highway are expected to wear a mask. But equally important is the use of masks should be washed once a day to clean the mask of dirt and dust that has stuck. The use of masks for days even more dangerous, because the accumulation of dirt and dust pollutants from highway attached to the mask will accumulate a lot and get into the body.

Another solution is to wear a disposable mask / disposable so secure in its use. Get used to live a healthy life starts from a healthy drive to wear a mask. Do not let the body inhale pollutants. In addition to personalized prevention, green movement needs to be improved, especially starting from the place of residence / house each of us. Use broad-leaved trees or potentially reduce air pollution, it is highly recommended. The creation of beautiful environment will be protected from air pollution. May be useful. Greetings Our Health InfoContribution of Air Pollution on Health

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