Moon Craters - Aristarchus

Moon Craters - Aristarchus
If we used to watching the full moon at night, then you might find some holes in the moon is quite clearly visible with the naked eye. That is the crater of the moon. Thousands of people just guess, such as whether the moon's craters.

But recently, a NASA satellite that was orbiting the moon, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, managed to photograph one of the largest crater and most shining brightly on the Moon, Aristarchus. Aristarchus crater is believed to be created as a result of a terrible collision between the moon by a comet or an asteroid 450 million years ago.

Aristarchus is the brightest moon crater that is located in the northwestern part of the Moon facing the Earth. Moon crater Aristarchus has a depth of about 3.2 km and a diameter of 40.2 km reach.

The crater on the moon is based on the images of the latest NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter resembles a giant pit mined on Earth, which shows a variety of mineral layer that surrounds the moon.

The following are recent pictures of the crater Aristarchus on the moon:

The scientists say that this crater is the best place to do research and exploration of the Moon, among others to find rocks that formed the Moon, geologic processes that occurred in the month and deepen knowledge about the Moon Rocks Granite. Moon Craters - Aristarchus

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