Predicting Long-Short Age of Man

Predicting Long-Short Age of Man
Scientists have found a way to predict how long someone will live by measuring DNA. Apparently, according to the scientists, life expectancy aka the shelf life of a person has been written and implied in its DNA, even from birth.

The short length of a person's age, according to scientists who conducted this research, depending on the length Telomerase, which is the end of the DNA that serves to protect the chromosome that serves menggenerasi re-dividing cells, aging and deathPredicting Long-Short Age of Man

Age of Man aResearch conducted by Professor Pat Monaghan from Glasgow University found that long-short "telomeres" short term indicating a person's DNA Age "real" person. Even so, the original age can be reduced with the behavior and conditions of human life, as a result of disease, stress and depression, accidents, or unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and drinking.

Predicting Long-Short Age of Man
Predicting Long-Short Age of Man

Prediction Age, although studies conducted whereas currently only applied to animals, including birds, but the correlation of telomeres with age shows encouraging similarity. According to Professor Pat Monaghan, a study of 99 sparrows in a place free from disease, predators and the things that could disrupt the "originality" age of the birds showed that birds with shorter telomerase tend to die sooner than the birds with longer telomeres. In fact, a sparrow with telomerase longest in the study survived 9 years old, live very long for a sparrow.

The results of this study will bring major implications for humans, who have telomerase that works the same way. Telomeres is one substance that is essential for DNA, because it serves to protect DNA from degradation. The longer telemore, the longer these substances protect the DNA, which means increasing human longevity. This is understandable because when DNA is no longer protected by telemore, then, there was a cell division process is faster, resulting in aging, the skin becomes wrinkled and the immune system begins to decline, the effect is of course makes the old man experienced alias the aging process and lead to death. Predicting Long-Short Age of Man

Perhaps, this research will be a new discourse in understanding the aging process, and can be as basic reference for finding anti-aging medicine, and perhaps even anti-death. Predicting Long-Short Age of Man

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