Various Food Sources In Healthy Nutrition

Various Food Sources In Healthy Nutrition
Good food is not necessarily contain the necessary nutrients for the body. Sometimes the nutrients in food just to be reduced even lost due to errors in the process of storage and processing. Many healthy foods are actually easy to remain high in the processing and nutritional content.

Nutrition Pyramid
In determining the variety of healthy foods, we can group them in the nutrition pyramid. Grouping of various foods to ease in the presentation or the amount of the recommended intake (serving suggestion) per day. Nutrition pyramid is also particularly useful for preparing the menu for children under five and pregnant women.

The nutritional requirements shall conform to the amount needed each day for growth and development of the body. Especially for Toddlers who are still in the process of growth and development, the amount of intake of proper nutrition and balanced is very important.

Various Food - Food Sources - Healthy Nutrition

Here is the number or dosage of nutrients recommended in nutrient based pyramid from the bottom / at most, namely:

Variety of healthy foods that contain nutrients derived from the types of cereals or grains include: bread, pasta, rice and others that contain carbohydrates. These foods can be consumed more than other types of different foods. Presentation of the types of nutrition advice is eat liberally of food or food portions are not restricted and consumed every day.

Vegetables that contain essential nutrients for growth and development of the body, also helps in the process of metabolism. The fiber content is also of water and other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, is very good for the body.

Sources of these nutrients are derived from a variety of vegetables, and therefore make it a habit to make a variety of vegetables to be consumed each day. A good vegetable is a vegetable that is eaten fresh, right in the processing and preparatory.

Fruits as a source of nutrition is also very important for the body. Water content as well as vitamins and minerals in fruits good for health. Consumption of fruits occupy a lesser extent than with vegetables.

Milk is also included in the nutrition pyramid that must be met by everyone. But not only that fat milk, but also advised to consume non-fat milk or low fat. Milk is a good source of calcium for bone growth and development, especially for toddlers.
Meat and beans

Meat and beans as a source of nutrients that are also needed by the body. Only, in this nutrition pyramid, meat and nuts located at the top, or only consumed in small quantities only. Excessive consumption of fat is not good for the health of our bodies. Various Food Sources In Healthy Nutrition

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